Carla Like It Is

Guest Room: "Afters".... Take 4!

Kayd Roy21 Comments
This is sooooo long overdue, but our Guest Room is finally in one (beautiful) piece... finally!
The last time we ever mentioned our Guest Room was in this post, written before Thanksgiving last year.  I had promised to show the "newest version" of our Guest Room, post tornado repair. I was wayyyyy off on that timing... I know, bad blogger!  Since then I actually had most of the room set up and decorated but I kept thinking it wasn't complete or that it was missing something.  I finally realized that it won't ever be completely perfect, and by then I will most likely want to change up the whole room (for the 5th time).  Ha!

In case you aren't familiar with our Guest Room 'story', it has actually been changed up 4 times already in the past 3 years.  Let's quick take a look at versions 1, 2, and 3....

Guest Room Redo: Take 1,  Action!
When we first moved in, the Guest Room was pale yellow with white carpet.  We promptly started this redo by removing the icky old carpet and adding a closet door where one didn't exist (just had a curtain hanging).
After that Alex sanded and refinished the wood flooring and we painted the room Behr's Cumberland Fog.  We fit a bed and a couple other pieces of furniture in there and called it good for the time being. 
At least our guests had a place to sleep right? But yes, nothing special about version #1 of our Guest Room.

Guest Room Redo: Take 2, Action!
Alex and I got super lucky when it came to version #2.  Layla and Kevin Palmer of The Lettered Cottage were in Minnesota and looking to redo a room for someone... and we were chosen!  Woo-hoo!
Beautiful right?  I loved all the vintage details and the way they set up everything we picked out while shopping.  The Guest Room certainly came along way with their help!

Guest Room Redo: Take 3, Action!
Version #3 of our Guest Room wasn't very different from what Layla and Kevin did because I loved it so much.  The only little changes were adding those DIY vintage grainsack window shades, a new textured white duvet cover, and I moved the vintage dressform into my dressing room/ sewing space. 

Then, our Guest Room along with our home, neighborhood, and neighbors experienced something totally unexpected that prompted our Redo #4- the May 22nd, 2011 "North Minneapolis" tornado...
  The neighborhood was a complete mess, yuck, I hate looking back at these photos!
Luckily, we were safe and the worst of our damage was having part of our oak tree come through the attic and into our Guest Room...
The whole repair and recovery process took until the end of the year, but thankfully all of this is behind us.  Which leads us to where the room is at today...

Guest Room Redo: Take 4, Action!
 Once the ceiling was all closed up we started putting the room back together.  Since we were starting from scratch we decided to change the way the furniture was set up and add a couple new items including these window sheers from Target and an antique mirror (that we removed some weird flowers from).
Hope you are ready for lots of photos now! 
Here's a look at the whole room now (Shih Tzu not included).  I guess the room is a little more feminine and elegant than the previous version?
Our biggest layout change was moving the bed away from the window and against the longest wall.  I kept the same desk and chair but added in that new antique framed mirror.
I got this vintage framed wall hook from the St. Paul flea market more than a year ago for $18.  Glad it finally has a home in the Guest Room, I just love it!  So unique!
Our main reason for moving the bed against the longest wall was so we could hang that large vintage tin tile above the bed in place of a headboard.
I still can't believe we scored that tile for only $20!  So perfect with our paint color.
I used two old stools from Ikea that we had in our basement as the nightstands on each side.  I covered them with the vintage grainsacks that were formally used for the window shades.  Our fun little creation was drilling a large hole into these old hardcover books and placing a candle in the center. 
Now, I know Fire Marshal Bill wouldn't approve of the book/ candle combo, it's more for a fun little decorative accent :)

The bedding is a combination of Shabby Chic sheets & shams from Target along with....
This chenille bedspread I picked up at a thrift store for $8.00!  My grandma had one just like it in a pink/ white color combination, I couldn't resist! After washing and bleaching it looked fresh and beautiful.  I love the pattern, texture and the little tassels around each side.
For the other wall art, I painted this little canvas that says "Sweet Dreams" and kept the widow's peak above it.
The metal wire charger and vintage grave marker also remained in their old spots.
Did you notice a certain fluffy, curious little cutie-pie sneaking into my Guest Room pictures? Ever since I added that faux sheepskin throw to that window seat, Rocco has made it his little afternoon lounging spot.
  I was pretty shocked when he continued to sit there while I ran to grab the camera since he usually ruins cute photographic moments.  Thankfully, I got a bunch of cute photos of him and I love that he became an accessory for the room, haha!  He matches the color scheme and feel of the room pretty well, right?!?

So that's it! 
What did you think of Guest Room version #4?

My parents are coming for an Easter weekend visit soon, can't wait to get actual Guest feeback then!


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