Carla Like It Is

Head Over Heels Friday: India & China Trip Photo Wrap-Up

Kayd Roy6 Comments
It's been a couple weeks since I returned from my India & China adventure, but I wanted to make sure I got to share the last of my photo favorites!  You can't visit the other side of the world and not share it, right?  So here's to a trip around the world that I was Head Over Heels for!

Now, I already blogged about most of my experiences in Delhi, India the last day I was there.  The main highlight was seeing the Taj Mahal...
Experience of a lifetime seeing that with my own eyes.  Not much can compare to it, except maybe when a waiter put an adult bib on me at a restaurant called Bukhara in Delhi...
I kid! I kid!  But it was pretty hilarious :) Love that the waiter smiled for the photo too.

When our visit to India was over, it was time to head to Hong Kong for the next leg of our work trip.  Once we got to the airport, we had a minor fiasco with India's airport security.  A guard wasn't allowing one of my co-workers into the entrance lobby of the airport without a printed ticket.  Isn't that what those kiosks are for once you get into the airport?!?  Completely nuts, and annoying but thankfully we all boarded our Kingfisher Air flight- complete with tacky in-flight bar... weird.
  Here's my first glimpse across Victoria Harbor.  Sadly it was really foggy, bummer.
 Later that evening we took the Star Ferry across Victoria Harbor to Hong Kong Island for dinner.  We went to Good Luck Thai Restaurant located in the fun little Lan Kwai Fong district.  The Pad Thai was amazing!!!
The next day we were able to do a little shopping in the local market.  I got lots of goodies for my family there!
 I noticed there were a lot of random street parades during the time we were there.  Not sure what each one was for?
 One last look at Hong Kong....
The next stop on our trip was to Shenzhen, China.  Thankfully it was only an hour car van ride from Hong Kong... and a 40 minute wait to get through customs with our trunk hanging open.
Now, before the trip a lot of people at work told me that Shenzhen isn't the most exciting or fun place to stay.  But I loved it!  Our hotel was probably the nicest hotel I have ever stayed in- complete with push-button drapes, bathtub with TV, infinity pool with skyline view, and the best assortment of cheeses for in-room dining...
Aside from just the hotel (Ritz Carlton Shenzhen), I loved the city, the warm weather, and the food! My favorite dinner of the whole trip was at a Schezwan restaurant near the fun Coco Park district (full of great bars and restaurants). I even ate an oyster for the first time!
The next stop on our trip was our last one- Shanghai!!!  I was very excited to visit Shanghai because I had the opportunity to travel there last year and I loved it!
Funny, the above photo was taken at the same restaurant that we ate at in 2011- New Heights.  This time we went there during the daytime, so I got a whole new perspective for the view.

The Bund was still dazzling!

While taking pictures we noticed something was being filmed on the next roof over...
I was able to get a fun video of the view and you can hear some of the music that was being filmed.

Later we got to go shopping in a fun little market area.  I don't know the name of it, but it was all narrow little streets that winded around all over like a maze.  It was crowded, but a cool experience.  I even saw a "DIY" sign!
During one of our work days (which means lots of ours spent riding around in vans) we stopped in Hongzhou for lunch.  The lake and gardens were beautiful!
On our last night in Shanghai....
...which also marked the end to our 17 day work trip, we did what any American should do in China- Karaoke! 
You don't have to worry that someone knows you :)

That's a wrap on my adventures in India & China! 
I have to also mention that I feel very lucky to have had the experience with these amazing folks from work (yes, all warm and fuzzy).
We made one heck of a team!  I just should have been wearing my signature heels in any photo with them.  My joke was always "hey, who brought the kid on the trip?" if I didn't have my extra added height, ha!

I bet you can see why it is this week's Head Over Heels post :)  Hope you enjoyed the photos and a few fun stories from my trip!  Now, onto a weekend full of projects!