Carla Like It Is

Our Vintage Styled Storage Solution

Kayd Roy16 Comments
I was pretty down in the dumps on Monday when I had to start all over in the Spare Room.  I spent about 3 hours that night searching online for a new storage solution when I came across some great inspiration that got my spirits up and creative juices flowing again!  I was also very inspired by all the comments I got regarding our failure and really appreciate the feedback and new ideas! Hammers & High Fives for everyone!!! ...too cheesy? Probably, sorry, but I got a laugh out of that and kept it in the post :)

So what did I find?!?  Wood Crates!  I guess it shouldn't be a surprise if you have read through my blog before, I am obsessed with using wood crates for storage, I can't believe I didn't think of this before!
I found these two images on Design Squish, I'd say they sparked my inspiration to use wooden crates for shelving.
This one from Ana White looked very clean and sophisticated
 I thought this one from Remodelista was neat, adding wheels makes it look a bit more industrial
 I also like this idea from Arianna Bell, just a different way to display and arrange shoes using crates.
I showed Alex all of my inspiration photos and the new plan I had drawn up.  He loved the new direction we had for the dressing room! 
The big problem though, where were we going to find 6 vintage crates similar in size?  I did a lot of searching on Craigslist, Ebay, and Etsy. I found some dealers that had lots of vintage apple crates, but they would have to be shipped.  Shipping 6 larger size crates was going to cost more than the actual crates!  Luckily, I ended up finding some nice crates on for only $9.99 each and free shipping!  They are a good size too measuring 18"L x 12"W x 9.5"H.

Yes, they aren't vintage (wa-wa), but that doesn't mean we can't do a little DIY magic on them to give them a vintage look (wink)! I just ordered them today, so we should have them by next Wednesday, wish it were sooner.  I have 2 options for how I want them arranged, so once we get them I will have to play around with the actual placement.  I really hope this one is a winner and we don't go back into failure mode, keep your fingers crossed for us!

*** Update- curious how we made those crates look old?  Click here to find out!***
***Update- we made a shelving unit out of the DIY crates we made, check it out HERE***