Carla Like It Is

I Love Thrifting Day Recap!

Kayd Roy10 Comments
I Love Thrifting Day in Minneapolis was awesome!  Did you go out and about for Thrifting Day in your city?

Here is our Thrifting group photo: Lauren from Our Big Fat Farm Wedding, Megan from Nomi Passenger, myself, and Angela from Uniquely Attainable.  In case you are wondering, we learned about the event a little too late to order our t-shirts.  Angela was able to get a t-shirt just in time so we carried it around (I guess it was our thrifting mascot)

We kicked off our thrifting at Bauer Brothers Architectural Salvage (aka my favorite thrifting location in the Twin Cities).  Lauren and Megan had never been here!  I was soooo excited to share my Bauer Brother's love with them.
As I have said before, Bauer Brother's warehouse is HUGE and you can find just about anything inside.  The four of us kept our eyes open for cool finds, but we also started to have a funny little adventure wandering around.

We got to a section that was just full of lockers that have been salvaged from old schools. 
Lauren then said, "Hey, we should climb inside, it is just like that old show on Nickelodeon!"
"You know, where they climb in the lockers and get slimmed!"  I thought it was hilarious, I totally watched that show!  Lauren and I seem to have the same childhood TV memories.
Our next little Bauer Brothers adventure was into the Basement.  If you can't tell from the photo, it was pretty creepy.  They didn't have the lights on but we were all curious if there was anything good down there.  Angela bravely led the way.  I thought we might never see her again, I was sure there was a monster or serial killer hiding down there- JK!.  But we found a light on in the corner of the basement and shimmied our way through.  Sadly, no good finds down there.
Adventures, lockers, and monsters aside, we did find some cool vintage styled thrift finds!  

Here is a pic of our Bauer Brother's thrifting goodies.  Megan got a small glass bottle, I picked up (what else) some burlap sacks, and Lauren got a vintage crate which may possibly be used at their wedding!
Our next thrifting stop was the downtown Minneapolis Salvation Army.
I have to say, the basement section of this Salvation Army was AWESOME!  Nearly everything was brand new- nothing used here.  Everything came from local retailers, I almost felt like I was in a TJ Maxx or Marshalls.

I found some pretty nifty accessories for my outfit :)  Yeeee- Haawwww!
Sadly, since the deals there were so fantastic I seemed to forget that I was on photo duty :( I missed getting a photo of all of us and our carts filled with thrifty finds and goodies.  I still think Megan got the find of the day at Salvation Army- a super cute brand new summer styled handbag.  I challenged her to a duel for it I was pretty jealous of her find.

Whew!  After all that shopping we were pooped!  Megan suggested we stop over at Local D'lish to grab a snack and take a little break.
 Megan is friends with Ann, the owner of Local D'Lish (she's also a Northside resident).  Local D'Lish is an organic grocery store filled with lots of local treats and gifts.  Don't you love her vintage windows in her store front?  It was a really fun stop on our day.  I loved chatting with Ann and learning more about local businesses and women-owned businesses in the Twin Cities.  Made our day all the more special.

***Alright, onto the good part- So what did I come home with after Thrifting Day???***
Let's have a look...
You already got a preview of my burlap sacks from Bauer Brothers, but here is a closer look.  I got these for just $5.00!!!  Steal!  I can't wait to get started on a project with these (and you know I NEED a project right now).

Here is my Salvation Army score, everything was brand new - crazy right?  I got a neutral looking rug, skirt, cookie sheet (we really needed one), and a fun crossbody handbag for my laptop!
I also got a few (non-thrift day) items at Local D'Lish including pasta, salsa, and goat cheese (YUM).  I know that is a weird group of items, but we got to sample them already (not all in the same meal of course).  Everything was delicious!  Loved our pasta dinner and Alex approved of the salsa- he is picky about spicy stuff and this salsa was hot enough for him and almost too hot for me :)

All in all, I couldn't have asked for a better Saturday :)  It was so much fun connecting with my friends from the blog world that are as crazy about thriftin' and junkin' as I am! We must do it again ladies!

Were you out for I Love Thrifting Day?  What did you score???