Carla Like It Is

Back to Blogging and Breaking Project Rule #1

Kayd Roy1 Comment
Sorry I've been missing in (blog) action for a while.  Things have been busy for me at the office and we had family from Michigan AND California here for a visit last week.  Despite all that, I still couldn't stay away from a project or two (or three sort of?) when I had a moment to fit some work in.   Yes, sadly I broke the most important rule of all home projects- never take on more than one at a time.   I guess that's a bad thing that can happen when you try to attack smaller projects you've had in mind for a while... and then you find they aren't all that small :).   

Anyway, I guess you could say I had project ADD while I've been MIA - that is if you think my acronym use is clever :) -  Otherwise just roll your eyes at that part and I'll just get to the projects which include our sunroom, wood patio furniture, and sadly the tree we planted after the 2011 tornado..  
With all three in progress, I wasn't sure where or which to pick up on and start writing about but I'm sorting out the pics so I can get going on one soon! 

If one of those projects/topics sound more interesting than the others, let me know and I'll jump on that first! 

Hope everyone is having a nice week so far!