Carla Like It Is

Project Feature: Holly & Brian's DIY Entry Storage Bench & Message Board

Kayd Roy4 Comments
Greetings from good ol' West Michigan!  I'm visiting with my sister for a few days and got to see one of their latest DIY projects in person that I had to share! 

You might remember a while back when I shared some of their entryway storage ideas (post link here).  Well, take a look at their new DIY storage creation complete with storage bench and message board!
Awesome addition right?!?

In that original post, my brother-in-law created some illustrations showing different ideas for the entryway.  The storage bench + message board combination was one idea... 
Then another was a storage bench with wainscoting...
When we posted those options, a lot of you thought the wainscoting was the way and so did they.

 Brian drew up a few more illustrations for the wainscoting project, but a month later they decided to just built the storage bench for now because they had a bigger project to work on....
 Their 1st baby (and my 1st niece)!!!! 

So Brian whipped up this storage bench DIY style...
Perfect for putting shoes on and taking them off (and keeping them out of sight).
Brian also did a little DIY project on their message board.  They picked up this black painted white board + cork board combo with hooks. He popped out the white board (shown below on right)...
Then painted the white board with magnetic paint then chalkboard paint- I've never thought to do that nor did I know you could do that!  So their chalkboard is also magnetic for holding cards or photos.  Brian also made the small cork board darker using the same wood stain he used for the lid of the storage bench- I didn't know you could do that either!
The combination looks totally perfect together right?
Maybe the wainscoting will be added someday, but really who cares about that with baby on the way?!?  I know I don't :)

What do you think of Holly & Brian's new storage addition?
Did you know you could stain cork or make a chalkboard magnetic?

Now, I'm off to the zoo with my sister-in-law (Alex's sister) Amber and my nephew Henri!  Excited for some QT with little Henri!  Keep your fingers crossed we don't all get cranky in this awful HEAT!  Stay cool out there!

*** Click here to check out Holly & Brian's fireplace built-ins too! ***