Carla Like It Is

A Tale of Two Two-Tier End Tables

Kayd Roy12 Comments
Yep, you read that title right, no typos... We're talking two tier end tables today!

First, I'm sorry I don't have an update on our Master Bedroom, we actually didn't get to it at all over the weekend (but we did sell the bed frame on Craigslist, yay!).  Like most people, we were busy watching the Superbowl on Sunday and on Saturday I made plans to tackle a little DIY project with my blog buddy Lauren.  So I apologize for my Project ADD right now, and I know I still haven't finished the Hutch/ Nook :( nobody's perfect right (and who would want to be anyway?).  But thanks for still sticking with me :)

Now back to the project!
I found out last week that Lauren and I both picked up two-tier end tables while out thifting on our own.  How random right?!?   Hers is on the left and mine is on the right in this photo.
 I picked up mine because it reminded me of the end tables my grandma had and it was only $12 so I had to get it.  I wasn't totally sure where it would end up, but I thought with some sanding and white paint it would clean up nicely! 

We both got started on our tables by sanding, which is not the fun part.  I hate sanding!
After that we headed back in for the fun part, painting!  I painted mine white (I know, kind of boring) and Lauren used Martha Stewart's Terra Cotta Specialty Finish paint to give hers some texture and a fun look!
 Here's some more painting action, but you get the idea...
During our two coats of paint and drying time we got to chat about married life and of course blogging.  It was great to talk about our blogging experiences and share some advice or things we learned while in the blog world.  I loved that part of our project!

Once the paint was dry I moved it into our Living Room.  It ended up being perfect next to our not-so-much sectional couch.  The sectional fit great in the condo we lived in previously but we had to split it up to fit in the living room in our house.
We will get new furniture someday but I know we don't need it now (at least that is what I keep telling myself, might get a new lamp though).   I must say the two-tier table compliments the strange end of the couch well.  The couch sort of 'flows' into a table instead of just the floor :) I was also happy to place one of my favorite wedding day photos on top...

As for Lauren's end table 'after', you will have to pop over to her blog to see!

So, what do you think of my $12 two-tier end table redo? 
Do you have a similar table, or remember one that a grandma or grandpa had?

I hope to get moving on the Master Bedroom project this week.  On my to-do list...

1. Install curtain rods
2. Sew new window treatments from some fabric I picked up
3. Make to-do list of the 'man' tasks for the hubby (hehe) 

Have a great week everybody!