Carla Like It Is

Head Over Heels Friday: Winter Night Walks (Plus Our Contest Winner!)

Kayd Roy6 Comments
A couple weeks ago on a Monday night, Alex and I did something a bit out of the ordinary.  Even though it was freezing outside, we decided to escape our house for a little bit to visit the snow covered Mississippi Riverfront. 
We headed to out favorite spot along the river, St. Anthony Main. It is cute, quaint, and has a beautiful skyline view of Minneapolis just across the Mississippi.  Alex and I lived nearby this little neighborhood when we first moved to Minneapolis.
We still come by here a lot, mostly in the warmer months to sit along the riverfront and grab a bit to eat or drink.  In those warmer months, this area is filled with TONS of energy, people. music, dogs, bikes, weddings, etc.  Seeing it on a chilly winter night was a complete contrast- clam, silent, peaceful, even empty.

 Just interesting seeing how winter changes the feel of a place you know & love.  I felt like Alex and I were the only people around on that winter night, sort of made me love it in a whole new way.
We popped into the Aster Cafe for some hot cocoa then we made our way to the Stone Arch Bridge to get a closer look at the city lights.  Again, so different than the summer time atmosphere FILLED with people, and at that moment I felt like we were the only people that existed in such big city.
So naturally, in the moment, I did what most people do when no one is around.... Act like a dork :) 
Just kidding! Well no, I guess I did until Alex got annoyed with me.

Anyway, I guess what I'm getting at is that I learned something new on this little weeknight adventure and I wanted to share it. 

Yes, I hate winter, very, very much. 
 I spend it all cooped up in our house to the point I just can't take it and   I feel depressed by the fact that I don't see the sunshine/daylight when I leave for work and it's gone once I get home. Yep, winter can wear even a typically optimistic gal DOWN!  But, feeling awful and cooped up can be healed by any little out of the ordinary experience in a place you love or with people you love...
Winter snow, city lights, clear sky, and stars (plus hubby behind the camera).... 
Yep, this experience was better than sitting in front of the TV on a bland Monday night!  I was Head Over Heels!

I'm going to try my best to get outside (even in the cold) to see and experience new places this winter. It was really fun and memorable. I hope it might inspire other people that get the winter blues to do the same!

PS- snow please come back for Christmas!!!

Now, onto our Caption Contest Winner!!!!  The winning caption is......
Lauren!  Nice work lady!  You really got Alex and I with Sarah's caption about drilling her pant let to a coffee table :)

Special thanks and honorable mentions to Erin, Bridget, Paula (loved the Charlie's Angels angle!), Rissa, and 2boyslotanoise!!! Glad you stepped up to the challenge and I loved reading your captions!

Hope to do another giveaway sometime after the holidays!  Good luck to everyone with a long Christmas to-do list (like me) this weekend!