Carla Like It Is

Radiator Cover Update: Painting Complete!

Kayd Roy6 Comments
I finished up painting the radiator cover today, hooray! If you'd like to take a look at how Alex built this cover, check our DIY radiator cover post.
So here is a 'before' look after I got the trusty blue painters tape in position.
Then of course an action shot... oooo... ahhhh!
Here is how it was looking after I got 2 coats finished.  I used Behr's Polar Bear paint from Home Depot.  Polar Bear is the shade of white we have on all of our trim and woodwork in the house. 
Now just for a look back, here is how the sunroom was looking before.
Here is how the room looking now with the radiator cover/ bench built and painted.

I can't wait to start the decorating now!  I plan to make a cushion and I'd like 2 pillows on each end.  Not sure if I will make them or buy them if I find something I like.  If you have any decor ideas let me know, I love suggestions!
So where was Alex while I was painting 3 coats today???
Last night we went out to El Burrito Mercado in St. Paul for our friend Betsy's birthday dinner.  Alex found that the menu offered a burrito called 'Burro Gigante' that he just had to order.  The burrito was 2 feet long (as illustrated below). Boy was he geeked to see his odd looking dinner selection.
So anyway, my handy husband has been out riding his bike all day to burn off some of those 10,000 calories he consumed (that he is now regretting).  If you are wondering, he managed to consumed all except about 4 inches of that burrito before he called it quits.  In the case of Alex versus the giant burrito, the burrito won.