Carla Like It Is

Happy Easter From My Little Easter Bunnies!

Kayd Roy4 Comments
Happy Easter!
It is a holiday, so of course I couldn't resist dressing up my 'children' a little bit.  Here is my Rocco Bunny! He totally hates it, but at least he is a good sport. 

I can't say the same for my other child, Sadie does not coorperate in these situations.  This was the only picture I could get of her with her Easter headband.

I was determined to get a photo of the four of us today, not an easy task.  Here are just a few images from the 'Outtake' reel....

Zoning out
 Headband malfuntions
In the end, this was the best we could do. 
We thought it was going to be perfect when they both held still, then Rocco just had to yawn- but at least he looks cute!

 Happy Easter from our (weird) little family to yours!