Carla Like It Is

Three Simple and Low Cost DIY Decor Projects

Kayd Roy3 Comments
Ready for the three super simple DIY decor projects I mentioned in our fall mantel post?  Of course you are!  Now, I realize that these projects aren't rocket science or anything, but I thought they'd be fun to share as we get into more fall, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and then Holiday decorating.  Who doesn't need extra ideas during this season?  These projects are so stinkin' easy and you can probably tackle them with items you have laying around at your house.  Let's get to it!

Project #1: Torn stacked books wrapped in twine

This one is something I also saw at Bachman's Fall Idea House!

Grab a stack of old books you no longer use, or get a bunch at Goodwill (I picked up 10 for $1.49).  Then simply tear off the covers, but take it slow and carefully so that the glued side comes off also.  Then stack as many as you want and wrap with twine, or ribbon, or whatever you like!
I added a faux leaf in one of the stacks I had on our mantel, similar to the one from Bachmans.  Super easy right? 
Project #2: "Gather" banner made from old book pages

For this one, grab another book that you don't need and remove enough pages for whatever word you are spelling out. You can also use pages from one of the books you tore the covers off from Project #1 too! Next, you want to cut off the blank top, bottom, and side margins so that your banner has pages filled with text.  I marked this with a pen, then cut off the rest with scissors.  Then I grabbed my stencils and started coloring in the letters with a black marker.
Once you have the letters on the book pages it is time to glue, pin, or clip them onto your twine.  I ended up gluing mine on and tied the banner straight across our mantel.  I found the book pages laid better that way and "Gather" was easier to read.  Love it! Done!

Project #3: Framed faux leaf with burlap or book page backing

Grab an empty frame, some burlap (or a book page), and a faux leaf (or anything you'd like to frame), then cut out a piece of burlap to fit the size of your frame.  Place the leaf/ object in place and then lay it centered in your frame.

Here is the book page version that I did as well.  In the end I used this for the fall mantel, thought it looked better with the 'Gather' banner.
Boom! That's it!

I hope you like one or all of those little projects!  I know my favorite is the torn stacked books.  I had been seeing them everywhere and can't believe I hadn't made any yet!  It was so easy!

Do you have any easy projects that can be done with stuff most folks already have in their home?  I'd love to find more!!!

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