Carla Like It Is

Design Assignment: Got My Shop On for Henri's New Room!

Kayd Roy3 Comments
Update on the progress I made for our nephew Henri's room redo!  With my inspiration in mind, I decided to start at Ikea to look for some kid's room items.  We have been to Ikea many, many times before and I usually avoid the kid's area like the plague (it always looks wild and I am worried I might trip over all the kids running around)! But for someone like me new to the idea of decorating a kid's room, it was fantastic!  I loved looking at all the inspiration rooms they had set up.  First I wrote down notes of the things I thought worked with my idea and then, I got started collecting all the items while keeping that $200 budget in mind! So here is what I got at Ikea:

Polarvide Throw: $3.49
Vitaminer Vimpel curtains: $24.99
Vitaminer Trumma crib duvet set: $7.99
Vildris Duvet Cover and Shams: $9.99 (looks gray but the dots are a lime-y green in person)
Lekfull Land Rug: $6.99
Lekfull Stad Rug: $6.99
Mammut Stool: $7.99
Art Easel: $14.99
Nyttja Frames: (4) @ $3.99 each in red and white colors
I also picked up a crib duvet insert and crib sheet to match. I will still need to get sheets for the bed (I think the adult sheets at Ikea feel very much like gauze) and some decorative pillows. I'm really hoping I can find those at the ol' Tar-jay (Target).

I ordered the perfect wall decals (on the very top) on Etsy from Stephen Edward Graphics shop, for only $16! Aren't they cute?!?

I'm still unsure about what wall art I will get for the frames, but I suppose I could just use family pictures? I can't wait to show Amber, Ryan and little Henri when they get here next week for the big Turkey Day! Then the week after maybe I will be able to post some 'afters' of Henri's room! So excited to see our nephew next week, he is walking now!