Carla Like It Is

A Bland Black Tray Gets a *Studly* Makeover

Kayd Roy2 Comments
Remember those gold studded black trays I saw at Honeyshine?
Of course you remember!  They were just to fabulous to forget right?  Even though I loved it and wanted to buy one, I thought it would be fun to create my own!  After all it's a simple black tray with gold stud accents, couldn't be that hard. 

We had an old faux leather coated tray in our basement (yep, our basement it stuffed with stuff) that used to sit on our coffee table until Sadie started to get interested in chewing on it.  Rather than it getting destroyed I just hid it in the basement and haven't really missed it.  It did look pretty boring, but adding some studs will spruce it right up! 
Anyway, I began pressing each nailhead into the top edge of the tray.  The sewn faux leather surface was really easy to work with since I could easily stick them in the top edge seam. 
I spaced them out evenly and then used a hammer to make sure they were set evenly along the top edge.
I am so happy with how it turned out!  It kind of went from blending in and unnoticeable to being something that stands out on it's own.  It's a perfect fit in our Sunroom to gather all of our books and magazines.
I love it and I am so happy I took something that we had and weren't using and made it useful rather than buying something new.  That feels GOOD!

What do you think of my studly storage tray?

Have you created something useful from your "stuff" pile recently?  What was it?