Carla Like It Is

Head Over Heels: Lonny Magazine

Kayd RoyComment
Get ready for some beautiful images ahead!  My new Head Over Heels find this week is a bi-monthly online magazine that focuses on lifestyle and home decor called Lonny.  Lonny highlights extraordinary interiors, innovative bloggers, and the latest market finds. 

I was even more intrigued with this online magazine when I learned about how it got started in 2009.  Founder Michelle Adams was a market assistant for Domino until 2009 when Domino was closed by Conde Nast for good.  Instead of looking for another magazine to work for, she and photographer Patrick Cline launched Lonny in 2009. How DIY is that?!?!  I know I feel inspired by that, love it!  Then, with so many other decor magazine closing- Lonny immediately caught the eye of readers and advertisers finding it's niche.
Lonny looks like a print magazine, not a Web site or a blog. It has pages to turn, a table of contents and full-page ads. But it offers Web-only benefits like zoomable, clickable images, so readers can inspect... say the mirrors and shower curtain shown in this bathroom below, then click and buy online.
Here is a link to their most current issue.  I know I spent a shameful amount of time just cruising through all the beautiful images.  Lonny seems to have something for every style so they reach a broad audience. They're a little vintage, modern, contemporary, elegant, casual- everything! 

I just love when I find a new place to get inspired when it comes to home decor, totally Head Over Heels for Lonny this week.  Special thanks to Amy for mentioning this awesome online find! 

Here a few of my favorite images from the 'Decorate' page 

Which ones were your favorites?  Have you seen Lonny before?  Do you love it too? Oh, did you see they have a 'Submit' page?  They love featuring new designers and DIY-ers, I think that is awesome!
Lastly- who wants to start an online magazine?  (my hand is up) Hehe!

Thanks for joining me for this week's Head Over Heels post!