Carla Like It Is

Standard Views

Kayd Roy3 Comments
Hello from NYC! I've been here doing some work over the weekend and thought I'd share a little bit of the 'scene' around here. I have only stayed in Midtown on past trips but this time we are in the Meatpacking district at the Standard Hotel. I have to say it is a nice change and I love getting to know this beautiful & vibrant little area.

There's plenty to see around the hotel, but the High Line running underneath the building is definitely a highlight.
The High Line is a public park built on a historic rail line elevated above the city streets on Manhattan's West Side.

You can see some of the original rail tracks throughout the gardens.

I loved all the sights as I walked along the park.

The view of the Empire State building was breathtaking.

Speaking of views, I have to share some looks at the fun rooftop bar on the 18th floor of the hotel called Le Bain.

It has an outdoor French park feel with colorful chairs, a faux lawn & beautiful city views!

I'm actually enjoying this view as we speak! My heels are propped up and I am blogging away on my iPad! You might notice the alignment & photo size is a little off, but I'm kind of experimenting with my new gadget so bear with me :)

I will be heading back to Minneapolis tomorrow, so I'm going to hang out and enjoy the view now. See you again soon!

- Posted by Carla using BlogPress from my iPad