Carla Like It Is

Happy Mother's Day Circa 1989!

Kayd RoyComment
I've been a very lucky lady to have so many great women to look up to in my life.  On Mother's Day, I of course always think about my mom and everything she did to make me who I am today (and I'd say she did a fantastic job!).  I also think about my Grandma Elaine a little still.  She left us about 10 years ago now, but she was a pretty fantastic woman and Grandma. 

I can't believe I found this picture, but I was really excited when I did!  It is from Mother's Day in 1989.  My mom is on the left, then my grandma, and my sister Holly on the right.  I was only 4 years old and I'm standing behind my Grandma in the picture. 
Fun fact, the house in this photo is the first home I ever lived in on Nelson Street in Grand Rapids, MI.  I assume my dad took this photo of all of us.
My Aunt gave me a few family pictures that originally belonged to my Grandma. On the back of the photo is my Grandma's handwriting.

I really wish I got to see our moms today.  It's the 5th Mother's Day we have been away living in MN, so it is always a little bit of a bummer to not be there.  But I know they both know how much we love them and miss them.

I'd also like to wish a Happy Mother's Day to all moms out there!  I have lots of friends that are pretty new moms, for a few of them it is their first Mother's Day!  I hope you are all having a wonderful day celebrating with family!

PS- my 'doggie' Mother's Day gift was being woken up at 6:30am by Rocco, thanks buddy!

****One more post will be up later today****