Carla Like It Is

Head Over Heels DIY Friday: Home Decor from Around the World

Kayd Roy5 Comments
Hello and happy Friday from Shenzhen, China!  I only have one more day left on my business trip before I head home to Alex and the pups (I can't wait!).  But I just couldn't miss a DIY Friday post during my time away!  Since I haven't been home tinkering with any projects, I thought I'd ask you for ideas for creating home decor with things I have from my China & India trips.

First, I have this little booklet of beautiful handmade Chinese paper cuttings (isn't the amount of detail crazy?!?)  I got this as a gift from a co-worker in China  and just loved it!  There are so many things I could do with the cut paper images, I just haven't been able to decide on one.  I would love to make something pretty that we could use for wall decor, so maybe frame them?  There are about 10 or 12 in the booklet so organzing them for framing has been tricky too, hmmmm.

Next is this printed cloth I picked up during my market shopping in India.  I loved the authentic feel of it and the fact that it's fabric and not paper.  I thought it might challenge me to do something other than just framing it and sticking it on a wall but, the fabric might have me stumped now.  I still think it is beautiful though and I hope I can find a way to display it.

I just love having beautiful reminders around our home of the beautiful places we've been able to see (like our framed photos from Croatia).  A glance at artwork or a photo always gets my mind going on fun memories!

Let me know if you have any fun ideas for turning these items into home decor/ artwork!  I hope someone will have an idea that I will be Head Over Heels for!

That way I can get started on a project right when I get home, LOL!  Have a great weekend everybody!